157 research outputs found

    Trajectory Planning for Collision Avoidance in Urban Scenarios

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    In dieser Arbeit werden Ansätze zur Trajektorienplanung vorgestellt, die ein automatisiertes Ausweichen mit einem einzelnen kritischen dynamischen Hindernis in beschränkter Umgebung ermöglichten. Hierzu werden drei Varianten vorgestellt, die eine Kopplung von Längs- und Querdynamik erlauben: Die erste Variante betrachtet die Problemstellung der optimale Trajektorienplanung unter Berücksichtigung eines dynamischen Fahrzeugmodells. Die zweite Variante soll durch eine geeignete Parametrierung der Trajektorien das Verhalten des Fahrzeugmodells approximieren. Die dritte Variante erweitert die Zweite durch einen heuristischen Ansatz zur zeitlichen Abtastung. Das Potenzial der drei vorgestellten Verfahren wird im ersten Schritt simulativ nachgewiesen und im darauffolgenden Schritt wird das dritte Verfahren in einem Versuchsträger zum Nachweis der Echtzeitfähigkeit implementiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Ansätze für die Anwendung in Fahrerassistenzsystemen geeignet sind

    A single ion as a shot noise limited magnetic field gradient probe

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    It is expected that ion trap quantum computing can be made scalable through protocols that make use of transport of ion qubits between sub-regions within the ion trap. In this scenario, any magnetic field inhomogeneity the ion experiences during the transport, may lead to dephasing and loss of fidelity. Here we demonstrate how to measure, and compensate for, magnetic field gradients inside a segmented ion trap, by transporting a single ion over variable distances. We attain a relative magnetic field sensitivity of \Delta B/B_0 ~ 5*10^{-7} over a test distance of 140 \micro m, which can be extended to the mm range, still with sub \micro m resolution. A fast experimental sequence is presented, facilitating its use as a magnetic field gradient calibration routine, and it is demonstrated that the main limitation is the quantum shot noise.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    AdaptiX -- A Transitional XR Framework for Development and Evaluation of Shared Control Applications in Assistive Robotics

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    With the ongoing efforts to empower people with mobility impairments and the increase in technological acceptance by the general public, assistive technologies, such as collaborative robotic arms, are gaining popularity. Yet, their widespread success is limited by usability issues, specifically the disparity between user input and software control along the autonomy continuum. To address this, shared control concepts provide opportunities to combine the targeted increase of user autonomy with a certain level of computer assistance. This paper presents the free and open-source AdaptiX XR framework for developing and evaluating shared control applications in a high-resolution simulation environment. The initial framework consists of a simulated robotic arm with an example scenario in Virtual Reality (VR), multiple standard control interfaces, and a specialized recording/replay system. AdaptiX can easily be extended for specific research needs, allowing Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) researchers to rapidly design and test novel interaction methods, intervention strategies, and multi-modal feedback techniques, without requiring an actual physical robotic arm during the early phases of ideation, prototyping, and evaluation. Also, a Robot Operating System (ROS) integration enables the controlling of a real robotic arm in a PhysicalTwin approach without any simulation-reality gap. Here, we review the capabilities and limitations of AdaptiX in detail and present three bodies of research based on the framework. AdaptiX can be accessed at https://adaptix.robot-research.de.Comment: Accepted submission at The 16th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS'24

    In Time and Space: Towards Usable Adaptive Control for Assistive Robotic Arms

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    Robotic solutions, in particular robotic arms, are becoming more frequently deployed for close collaboration with humans, for example in manufacturing or domestic care environments. These robotic arms require the user to control several Degrees-of-Freedom (DoFs) to perform tasks, primarily involving grasping and manipulating objects. Standard input devices predominantly have two DoFs, requiring time-consuming and cognitively demanding mode switches to select individual DoFs. Contemporary Adaptive DoF Mapping Controls (ADMCs) have shown to decrease the necessary number of mode switches but were up to now not able to significantly reduce the perceived workload. Users still bear the mental workload of incorporating abstract mode switching into their workflow. We address this by providing feed-forward multimodal feedback using updated recommendations of ADMC, allowing users to visually compare the current and the suggested mapping in real-time. We contrast the effectiveness of two new approaches that a) continuously recommend updated DoF combinations or b) use discrete thresholds between current robot movements and new recommendations. Both are compared in a Virtual Reality (VR) in-person study against a classic control method. Significant results for lowered task completion time, fewer mode switches, and reduced perceived workload conclusively establish that in combination with feedforward, ADMC methods can indeed outperform classic mode switching. A lack of apparent quantitative differences between Continuous and Threshold reveals the importance of user-centered customization options. Including these implications in the development process will improve usability, which is essential for successfully implementing robotic technologies with high user acceptance

    Increased Performance of Thermoplastic Packaging Materials by Using a Mild Oxidizing Biobased Additive

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    Green additives such as prodegradants based on natural fatty acids and iron can improve the environmental profile of thermoplastic packaging materials. We present two studies in which this is demonstrated. In the first study, the addition of a green prodegradant to a 5-layer gas barrier laminate during processing provided a laminate with significantly reduced oxygen transmission due to the resulting oxygen-consuming degradation process. The result shows that material reduction and cost efficiency of packaging laminates can be combined, since 5-layer laminates with reduced oxygen barrier layer thickness and retained gas barrier properties are feasible. The products are interesting from an ecological and economic aspect. In the second study, the addition of a green prodegradant to several qualities of polypropylene that are used in packaging applications leads to materials that are readily degraded in accelerated weathering. The molecular weight of the modified polypropylenes after 830 hours of accelerated weathering is reduced from typically 80.000 g/mole to 1.500–2.500 g/mole. At such molecular weight levels, digestion by microorganisms is feasible. The mild prodegradant used in the study does not lead to degradation during processing. Thermoplastics containing such additives are therefore fully recyclable provided that they have not been exposed to a long period of weathering

    Undiagnosed paraganglioma; A challenge during laparoscopic retroperitoneal resection

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    Objective: Report our experience of the management of a patient with undiagnosed retroperitoneal paraganglioma and the intraoperative complications that the theatre team faced. Case report: We present a case of a 36-year-old patient who during oncological follow-up for a previous diagnosis of parotid acinar cell carcinoma was incidentally identified as having an interaortocaval tumour. Following routine preoperative assessment the patient was arranged to undergo a laparoscopic retroperitoneal tumour resection. After minimal tumour manipulation the patient developed cardiac rhythm abnormalities and became hypertensive. The tumour was successfully removed laparoscopically after a cautious inter- aortocaval dissection. Abruptly, prior to extraction of the tumour containing endobag, the patient developed cardiac arrest. Following 35 minutes of life support measures there was a return of spontaneous circulation. The endobag was laparoscopically removed from the abdominal cavity 24 hours later using the initial operative port sites. The patient´s progression was satisfactory and he could be discharged six days postoperatively. Conclusions: Asymptomatic undiagnosed paragangliomas represent a real challenge during laparoscopic operations. Haemodynamic changes and life-threatening events can arise acutely intraoperatively, where an immediate and coordinated response of the whole theatre team may be required to avoid fatal outcome

    Kommunale Steuerverwaltung im Kontext des peruanischen Dezentralisierungsprozesses: Das Modell der semi-autonomen Steueragenturen ; Endreport der Länderarbeitsgruppe "Peru"

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    "Um die eigenen Einnahmen zu steigern, haben einige peruanische Kommunen seit 1996 semi-autonome Steueragenturen, sogenannte , gegründet. Diese Agenturen sind im Bezug auf ihre Personal- und Finanzplanung autonom. Sie finanzieren sich über eine Kommission von 3 bis 10 % auf die von ihnen eingetriebenen Steuern und sonstigen Abgaben. Bisher haben neun peruanische Kommunen solche Agenturen gegründet, zwei weitere befinden sich in der Planung. Allerdings verfügen nur drei Städte – Lima, Trujillo und Piura – über SAT, die älter als fünf Jahre sind. Die Auslagerung der Steuerverwaltung auf semi-autonome Agenturen wird in Entwicklungsländern seit ca. 20 Jahren erprobt. Mit dem Modell werden privatwirtschaftliche Instrumente und Anreizsysteme in der öffentlichen Verwaltung eingeführt, wie sie im Rahmen des New Public Management (NPM)-Ansatzes seit den 1980er Jahren diskutiert und angewandt werden. Der Ansatz versucht, zwischen tendenziell gegenläufigen Zielen – Effizienzsteigerung und Kostensenkung auf der einen Seite, erhöhte Kundenorientierung und Servicequalität auf der anderen Seite – eine Balance zu finden. Kritiker werfen dem NPM-Ansatz vor, im Zweifelsfall einseitig auf Kostensenkung zu setzen und damit die Gemeinwohlorientierung und Legitimität öffentlichen Handelns zu untergraben. Peru ist bislang das einzige Land, in dem semi-autonome Steueragenturen sowohl auf der nationalen als auch auf der lokalen Ebene eingerichtet wurden. Während die ersten SAT-Gründungen als Reaktion der Kommunalregierungen auf den Zentralismus der Regierung Fujimori (1990–2000) aufzufassen sind, entstehen die neueren SAT vor dem Hintergrund eines zaghaften Dezentralisierungsprozesses, der bis heute nicht abgeschlossen ist. Insbesondere die fiskalische Dezentralisierung ist dabei bislang noch wenig vorangekommen. Die Kommunen sind in hohem Maße von Transferleistungen des Zentralstaats abhängig. Weniger als 2 % des gesamten Steueraufkommens Perus werden von der lokalen Ebene eingeworben. Die lokalen Steuerverwaltungen gelten als notorisch schwach, schlecht ausgestattet und korruptionsanfällig. Die vorliegende Untersuchung beleuchtet die Arbeit der SAT aus vier verschiedenen Blickwinkeln. — Erstens wird gezeigt, dass die SAT ein interessanter Ansatz sind, um die Effektivität und vermutlich auch die Effizienz der kommunalen Steuerverwaltung zu steigern. Hierfür werden sieben SAT-Städte mit 21 Städten ohne SAT verglichen. — Zweitens wird dargestellt, über welche Mechanismen die SAT einen Beitrag zur Legitimität des kommunalen Steuersystems leisten, bzw. unter welchen Umständen ihre Arbeit zu Legitimitätseinbußen führen kann. — Drittens wird untersucht, wie Innovationen in den SAT auf andere Steuerverwaltungen und öffentliche Institutionen ausstrahlen. — Viertens wird auf der Basis der drei ersten Untersuchungsachsen gefragt, inwiefern das Modell der SAT auf weitere Kommunen in Peru oder anderswo übertragbar ist." [Autorenreferat

    Percutaneous CT fluoroscopy-guided core biopsy of pancreatic lesions: technical and clinical outcome of 104 procedures during a 10-year period

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    Background: In unclear pancreatic lesions, a tissue sample can confirm or exclude the suspected diagnosis and help to provide an optimal treatment strategy to each patient. To date only one small study reported on the outcome of computed tomography (CT) fluoroscopy-guided biopsies of the pancreas. Purpose: To evaluate technical success and diagnostic rate of all CT fluoroscopy-guided core biopsies of the pancreas performed in a single university center during a 10-year period. Material and Methods: In this retrospective study we included all patients who underwent a CT fluoroscopy-guided biopsy of a pancreatic mass at our comprehensive cancer center between 2005 and 2014. All interventions were performed under local anesthesia on a 16-row or 128-row CT scanner. Technical success and diagnostic rates as well as complications and effective patient radiation dose were analyzed. Results: One hundred and one patients (54 women;mean age, 63.912.6 years) underwent a total of 104 CT fluoroscopy-guided biopsies of the pancreas. Ninety-eight of 104 interventions (94.2%) could be performed with technical success and at least one tissue sample could be obtained. In 88 of these 98 samples, a definitive pathological diagnosis, consistent with clinical success could be achieved (89.8%). Overall 19 minor and three major complications occurred during the intra- or 30-day post-interventional period and all other interventions could be performed without complications;there was no death attributable to the intervention. Conclusion: CT fluoroscopy-guided biopsy of pancreatic lesions is an effective procedure characterized by a low major complication and a high diagnostic rate

    Creating ecologically sound buildings by integrating ecology, architecture and computational design

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    1. Research is revealing an increasing number of positive effects of nature for humans. At the same time, biodiversity in cities, where most humans live, is often low or in decline. Tangible solutions are needed to increase urban biodiversity. 2. Architecture is a key discipline that has considerable influence on the built-up area of cities, thereby influencing urban biodiversity. In general, architects do not design for biodiversity. Conversely, urban conservation planning generally focuses on the limited space free of buildings and does not embrace architecture as an important discipline for the creation of urban green infrastructure. 3. In this paper, we argue that the promotion of biodiversity needs to become a key driving force of architectural design. This requires a new multi-species design paradigm that considers both human and non-human needs. Such a design approach needs to maintain the standards of the architectural profession, including the aim to increase the well-being of humans in buildings. Yet, it also needs to add other stakeholders, organisms such as animals, plants and even microbiota. New buildings designed for humans and other inhabitants can then increase biodiversity in cities and also increase the benefits that humans can derive from close proximity to nature. 4. We review the challenges that this new design approach poses for both architecture and ecology and show that multi-species-design goes beyond existing approaches in architecture and ecology. The new design approach needs to make ecological knowledge available to the architectural design process, enabling practitioners to find architectural solutions that can facilitate synergies from a multi-species perspective. 5. We propose that a first step in creating such a multi-species habitat is the design of buildings with an ecolope, a multi criteria-designed building envelope that takes into account the needs of diverse organisms. Because there is no framework to design such an ecolope, we illustrate how multi-species design needs to draw on knowledge from ecology, as well as architecture, and design computation. 6. We discuss how architectures designed via a multi-species approach can be an important step in establishing beneficial human-nature relationships in cities, and contribute to human well-being and biodiversity conservation.Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog

    P53 Codon 72 (Arg72Pro) Polymorphism and Prostate Cancer Risk: Association between Disease Onset and Proline Genotype

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    The tumor suppressor gene p53 plays an important role in the stress response of the cell and is mutated in 50% of all human tumors. The p53 Arg72Pro single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was found to be associated with an increased risk of various malignancies. Biochemical and biological differences between the 2 polymorphic variants of wild-type P53 might lead to distinct susceptibility to HPV- and non-HPV-induced tumors. For prostate cancer, only limited data are available, especially in the Caucasian pop-ulation. Therefore, we determined the distribution of the Arg72Pro SNP in a Caucasian case-control study including 118 prostate cancer patients and 194 male controls without any malignancy using restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. A subset of 33 tumors was tested for HPV infection, and no HPV DNA was found. Cases and controls showed similar distributions of alleles in the SNP (p = 0.720). Regarding the onset of the disease, patients diagnosed at ≤60 years of age and older patients (>60 years of age) showed a significant difference in genotype distribution (p = 0.035); there was also an increased occurrence of risk allele Pro72 in cases aged ≤60 years (p = 0.045). A subset of 64 prostate tumors was stained immunohistochemically for P53. 5 of 64 prostate tumors (7.8%) were positive for P53 expression, indicating integrity of the protein in the majority of cases. Genotype distribution showed no association with the Gleason score or additional histopathological characteristics. This study shows that the overall risk of prostate cancer was not associated with Arg72Pro SNP and HPV infection in our cohort. However, disease onset might be modulated by the p53 Pro72 allele, suggesting an important role of apoptosis regulation in prostate carcinogenesis
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